tommbdigital product design


I'm Tom Blessley, a product designer based in London, currently working at Bark building exciting new products connecting people and services.

If you have a project you'd like to get started, please get in touch.

UX Certification Badge from Nielsen Norman Group

rentifytenant experience

Transforming how tenants apply for their new home.

Initial sketches for tenant animal avatars.


Making an offer for a property is an exciting ("a new home!") and anxious ("60% of my salary goes towards rent!") moment for many, and a crucial touchpoint for Rentify. This on-boarding process has traditionally been a long, exhaustive, and not hugely positive — how could it be turned into a positive and impactful experience?

What's your offer? Tenants input their bid.


The form was streamlined, and a warm conversational tone adopted. Denoting transparently why each piece of information is required was also key to building a sense of trust and confidence in the user.

Details were added to evoke surprise and delight with every step, such as letting users know which famous figure shares their birthday. Each tenant is randomly assigned an anthropomorphic animal character, adding personality and a sense of playfulness to the experience.

Each tenant completes a comprehensive application.
Who else is moving in? Tenants add their housemates who are assigned their own avatars.
Illustrations indicating types of pet licence.
A tenant's pig avatar celebrated completing their application.


The project reduced the property manager to property ratio, and saw an increase in tenant CSAT and NPS ratings.

99% increase in tenant CSAT